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Materials List for Fall Preschool Activity Plans:
- Glue
- Scissors
- Cardstock or heavy paper
- Pencil
- Rice
- Resealable plastic bags
- Measuring cups
- Vinegar
- Measuring spoons
- Food coloring
- Paper plate
- Paint brush
- Small cups
- Playdough
- Plastic animals (optional)
- Salt
- Toy airplane
- Chopsticks
- Cotton balls
- Small dish
- Ice cube tray
- Wax paper
- Whole coffee beans
- Blue pipe cleaners
- Small ball
- Empty plastic water bottle
- Dyed rice (different colors)
- Ruler
- Different play cultural foods
- Play cash register
- Construction paper (black or grey, green, brown)
- Beads
- Tape
- Yarn
- Contact paper
- Pom poms
- Large plastic tweezers
- Dry erase markers
- Black beans (dry)
- Laminating material (optional)
- World map
- Apple shaped sticky papers
- Ground cinnamon
- Sugar
- Rolling pin
- Mini pie pans (or recycled lids)
- Small rainforest animals
- Small plastic trees
- Sidewalk chalk or painters tape
- Pocket chart
- Sentence strips
- Clothes from around the world
• Water table/sensory table (water container)
• Buckets
• Scoops or small containers
• Drinking straw
• Glitter glue
• Sequins
• Feathers
• Washable paints (different colors)
• Markers
• Various spices